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Author: Josh

Global Sourcing is the New Procurement

Unless you’re a supply chain professional, the word “procurement” means nothing more than buying something. Could be buying a watch or a nice bottle of wine. “Where will we procure our dinner from this evening?” But, the supply chain discipline presents an entirely new meaning and understanding for procurement. And that meaning and use is shifting even faster now with the constant flurry of supply chain disruptions and the need for stronger strategic and global sourcing practices.

By |May 26, 2022|

Supply Chain Disruptions Ripple from War in Ukraine

As the 2nd quarter of 2022 approaches, the world continues to confront massive supply chain disruptions. Oddly, 2022 showed some promise of calm and stability in world markets. The latest Covid surge was slowing, allowing for production and manufacturing to return to normal in southeast Asia. American ports were finding relief in their previously heavily congested cargo bays and berths. The American economy continued adding jobs and surging ahead with strong earnings and low unemployment. The rest of the world started to echo these moves. And then a disruption that has threatened to crater these gains: War. Russia invades [...]

By |April 12, 2022|

There’s No Such Thing as a Greatest Weakness Interview Question…

The bane of every job seeker's existence is the greatest weakness interview question. Even if the question isn’t going to be asked, a candidate will invariably prepare for it. That being the case, it’s not altogether a bad idea to be ready for the question because - like it or not - thinking this way helps you to prepare for any interview. The point of an interview is to get to know someone. Who are they? What makes them tick? What are they interested in? What are they not interested in? What experiences make them a valuable asset to [...]

By |March 25, 2022|

Executive Search Reflects Turbulent Times

Executive search has always been a reflection of the macrostate of the supply chain industry. Are there more positions open than candidates to fill them? Is the talent keeping pace with the technology? How will elongated supply chains impact the talent pool needed to adequately and efficiently link them? These are just some of the questions facing executive supply chain recruiters every day. One observation from SCM Talent Group executive recruiter, Emily Unger, is that candidates may not be actively looking but they are actively listening. In other words, they realize that this is a candidate-driven market. Unger says [...]

By |January 14, 2022|

Omicron and the Supply Chain

An already stressed supply chain labor pool Impacted by Covid19 The combination of lockdowns, shift in ecommerce buying habits fueled by government cash injections, an already depleted labor force, and production evolutions with real time issues like a Suez Canal blockage created a perfect storm of supply chain issues. Now, the world faces further issues due to omicron and the supply chain. Let’s start with the labor force. A US Census article from November 2020 forecasts a manufacturing labor shortage due to the average age of manufacturers being 55 and above.  In 2015, two thirds of the US workforce [...]

By |December 3, 2021|

Supply Chain Talent Shortage: The Downside of an Up Economy

There are few basic economic tenants that rarely need explanation. One such phenomenon is the principle of supply and demand. In the world of supply chain, we are seeing this principle play out across every sector of the industry. From trucking to shipping to ports to production and warehouses and to the people who manage all of the touchpoints, supply and demand has rarely, if ever, been more of an issue. As consumers’ purchasing power increases, so does the need to increase capacity in direct proportion to this change in consumer behavior. As executive supply chain recruiters, we’re seeing [...]

By |November 17, 2021|

Leading and Recruiting for Coca Cola’s Supply Chain

Success Recruiting For Coca-Cola's Supply Chain At the helm of SCM Talent Group is Rodney Apple who spent about 7 years leading all professional and executive recruitment for The Coca-Cola Company’s North America and Global Supply Chain teams, based at their headquarters in Atlanta, GA. During his time at Coca-Cola, Rodney filled more than 500 professional and executive positions spanning: Manufacturing (22 Beverage Factories) Logistics & Transportation Strategic Sourcing & Procurement (Direct & Indirect spend categories) Continuous Improvement / Operational Excellence Supply & Demand Planning / Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) Supply Chain Center of Excellence (COE) Global Quality [...]

By |February 8, 2020|
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