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Category: Interviewing and Offers

Top First Round Interview Questions to Ace Your Screening Interview

Preparing for a first-round interview? This guide offers essential questions to expect, alongside tips for answering them effectively. Whether you're a candidate gearing up for a screening or a recruiter looking to refine your interview process, these questions will set the stage for a successful hiring journey." As a leading supply chain recruiting firm, it is common for our candidates to go through different interview processes with various companies, then report back to us about their interview experiences. Having a firm grasp of the job description and hiring process will give you a jump start on other candidates! One [...]

By |January 24, 2024|

Second Round Interview Questions | How to Answer

Now that you’ve completed the first interview screen and have been contacted regarding the next round, it’s time to prepare for the second round interview questions. The questions in the second round can be much more in-depth than the  first round interview questions.

By |September 25, 2023|Tags: |

How to Write Job Descriptions That Attract Top Supply Chain Talent

INTRODUCTION Supply chain job descriptions can be the first weapon in your arsenal to attract top talent. The competition for top supply chain talent is fierce these days. Unfortunately, a lot of companies treat their job descriptions as a necessary evil instead of a strategic marketing tool. These companies have yet to learn that there’s a strong association between a company’s job postings and its brand image. In other words, posting bad job descriptions can have a negative impact on a company’s brand image and deter the best candidates from applying. The demand for top supply chain talent has [...]

By |August 18, 2023|

Mission: Follow-up Interview

How do you get the follow up interview in a fluid and dynamic supply chain talent world? The competition is fierce but you can separate yourself from the pack with these practices. You landed the first interview, and you felt you really knocked it out of the park. You’re supposed to hear back in a few days, and then that time passes with no follow up interview or call….what do you do? Being either an in-person or phone interview, waiting to hear back can be tough.  As Tom Petty put it, “the waiting is the hardest part.” Below are [...]

By |November 6, 2022|

State of the Supply Chain Job Market: Labor Hoarding and Co-Sourcing

The supply chain labor market has been going through volatile changes and disruptions. Staffing has been a challenge at the front line and in professional ranks for the past two plus years. In the last six months, there have been signs that economic activity is slowing. Some spaces, including technology, have seen the beginnings of layoffs. This is what we would expect given history. To date, this type of activity has been less prevalent in Supply Chain jobs. So what is different about jobs in Supply Chain and will we see this continue? Supply Chain leaders are using different approaches and we will discuss a few of them. One such shifting dynamic is labor hoarding - an age-old term used to describe the retention of a company’s labor base during down economic times.

By |October 4, 2022|Tags: , , |

There’s No Such Thing as a Greatest Weakness Interview Question…

The bane of every job seeker's existence is the greatest weakness interview question. Even if the question isn’t going to be asked, a candidate will invariably prepare for it. That being the case, it’s not altogether a bad idea to be ready for the question because - like it or not - thinking this way helps you to prepare for any interview. The point of an interview is to get to know someone. Who are they? What makes them tick? What are they interested in? What are they not interested in? What experiences make them a valuable asset to [...]

By |March 25, 2022|

Supply Chain Hiring Strategy: Why SEO is an Essential Component

Implementing a hiring strategy suitable for qualified talent can often be challenging, recruiters are increasingly posting their jobs online. In fact, Google has revealed that almost 30 percent of all searches on its platform, around 300 million per month, are job-related. While this news appears encouraging, it can also be a sign that job ads can quickly disappear amidst all the other postings.      When you use search engine optimization (SEO) as a recruiter, it is advisable to focus on Google as it has a page dedicated to job postings. Fortunately, SEO can make your hiring strategy and online recruitment [...]

By |July 21, 2021|
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