Rodney Apple to Serve as Career Coach for APICS, Kicks Off First Webinar on May 21st
I am very excited to be serving as the new Career Coach for APICS – the American Production and Inventory Control Society.
For those not familiar with APICS, it is the leading professional association for supply chain and operations management and the premier provider of research, education and certification programs that elevate end-to-end supply chain excellence, innovation and resilience.
As the APICS Career Coach, I will be responsible for developing a series of white papers and hosting corresponding webinars pertaining to career development topics. These white papers and webinars will be free of charge but can only be accessed by current APICS members.
In addition, I will be responsible for answering “Ask the Career Coach” questions that are submitted by members via the APICS Career Center website and assisting with the development of a database of interview questions and answers.
The first webinar has been scheduled for May 21st, 2014 and is titled “How to Develop and Execute a Winning Job Search Strategy”. If you can’t make the webinar but would like to replay it and/or download the white paper, simply visit the APICS Career Coach website page, login to your APICS account, and you’ll be able to access the materials at the bottom of the web page.
This webinar, and corresponding white paper, covers the following:
- Career Brainstorming & Goal Planning
- How to Optimize Career Marketing Tools
- How to Research and Develop a Target Company List
- Developing And Tracking Job Search Activities (includes a link to download my Job Search Activity Tracker template)
- How to Become a Master Networker
- How to Make Yourself Easy to Find on the Internet
- Job Search Automation Tips And Tools
- Applying To Jobs Online And How To Go Through The Back Door
- Additional Job Search Tools, Hacks And Tips
Again, I am looking forward to my partnership with APICS and providing their members with valuable career development advice and job search enhancement tips. If you are not a member of APICS and have interest in learning more about membership benefits and how to join, please click here for more information.