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Category: Job Search

Breaking into a Supply Chain Management Career

Supply chains are a key element to economic growth and stability around the globe. A career as a supply chain manager requires a detailed-oriented vision and a holistic understanding of the process that takes products from raw materials to a finished product. Within the field of supply chain management, there are numerous disciplines. In the modern workforce, there are not enough people to fill the positions within these disciplines. Finding qualified candidates has become an issue given the tight labor market, the retirement of the baby boomer generation supply chain management workers, and the fact that recruiting firms are [...]

By |June 9, 2015|Tags: , |

Steps to Build an Effective Supply Chain Career Plan

Supply chain professionals that are coming up through the ranks today must create and proactively manage their careers by developing a solid career plan, seeking out opportunities to develop their skills and experience, growing and nurturing their networks, and positioning themselves for internal promotions or external career advances. If you're not proactively managing your career then you are reactively managing it. This isn't ideal for anyone striving to accelerate their career in supply chain. Let's take a look at the differences between proactive and reactive career planning: Proactive: Developing a long-term career plan that focuses on where they want [...]

By |May 6, 2015|Tags: |

APICS Career Coach Webinar: How to Evaluate and Negotiate a Job Offer

Our leader, Rodney Apple, who also serves as the APICS Career Coach, will be presenting another webinar for APICS members on Wednesday, December 17th from 1pm – 2pm CST. His newest white paper and webinar are titled "How to Evaluate and Negotiate a Job Offer" and will teach job seekers how employers calculate job offers and provide advice to help candidates improve their offer evaluation and negotiation skills. APICS members that are interested in participating in this webinar can click here to register. The white paper will be released in early January. If you can’t make the webinar you can always [...]

By |December 12, 2014|

Rodney Apple to Serve as Career Coach for APICS, Kicks Off First Webinar on May 21st

I am very excited to be serving as the new Career Coach for APICS – the American Production and Inventory Control Society. For those not familiar with APICS, it is the leading professional association for supply chain and operations management and the premier provider of research, education and certification programs that elevate end-to-end supply chain excellence, innovation and resilience. As the APICS Career Coach, I will be responsible for developing a series of white papers and hosting corresponding webinars pertaining to career development topics. These white papers and webinars will be free of charge but can only be accessed by [...]

By |May 15, 2014|

Top 6 Supply Chain Job Search Tips

As a veteran Supply Chain Recruiter, I am often asked by job seekers for my advice on how to develop and execute an effective supply chain job search strategy. Before I respond with my suggestions, I always ask the job seeker “what does your job search strategy look like now?” You would be surprised at the types of answers I have received. I’ve had job seekers tell me “my resume is on Monster and I'm waiting for the phone to ring” to even worse, “what job search strategy?”.  After receiving one of these responses recently, I was prompted to [...]

By |April 30, 2013|

Now Could be the Best Time to Launch a Supply Chain Job Search

Are you thinking about making a career move in 2013? I have been noticing a big spike lately with candidates reaching out to inquire about supply chain job opportunities, inviting me to connect on LinkedIn and other social media sites, seeking assistance with optimizing their resumes, etc. Likewise, many of my clients have stated that they're planning to add to their payrolls in 2013. From my vantage point, right now could be the best time to kick off your supply chain job search. Why? For starters, we are finally past this brutal, mind-numbing election season. Companies tend to pause or [...]

By |December 6, 2012|
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